The Dipnaysupuan Japanese tunnel

The Dipnaysupuan Japanese tunnel

During the days of Japanese occupation in World War II, a portion of Batanes would find itself as an important location in Philippine history. The Dipnaysupuan Japanese Tunnel, located in Tukon Hills, Batanes served as a lookout point by the Japanese against any approaching Filipino or American units. The tunnel actually comprises a network of tunnels.

Dipnaysupuan served as a camp and shelter of Japanese troops who were fighting in the strategically important Batanes islands during their occupation of the Philippines. These tunnels were a witness to days and months of constant bombardment from both sides; but the structure outlasted the dark period in Batanes’s history.

From 1941 to 1945, Japanese soldiers ordered local Ivatans to carve the tunnels out of volcanic rocks and plaster its walls with cement. The tunnel has five exit points, as well as chambers, bunkers, and water reservoirs. 



The Primer. 2011. 

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Japanese Colonial Period