Bamboo Roof Shingles

Bamboo Roof Shingles

Bamboo Roof Shingles are one of the primary derivatives for nipa thatched roofs in vernacular rural housing in the Philippines. 

Bamboo Roof Shingles are a kind of roofing in rural homes in the Philippines that makes use of materials that are readily abundant in nature. In this kind of shelter roofing, spliced buho bamboo or “Schizostachyum lumampao” are layered on top of each other. 

The roof frame has to be tighter because of the size of the shingles, with each shingle being 0.30 cm in width. Meanwhile, this design burdens the roofing with the bamboo’s weight and so requires stronger structural posts. 

This type of roofing is common in Indigenous houses of the Bagobo Tagabawa, and Bagobo Klata houses in Mindanao. The design ultimately protects these IPs from the elements: from the heat of the sun to the downpour of harsh rain. 


Indigenous Architecture