Posted on: October 29, 2020 Posted by: Arch. Gloryrose Dy-Metilla Comments: 0

Tall enough to keep children and pets at home, but short enough to maintain a view, the picket fence has often been associated around the world as a symbol of comfortable suburban living. 

Picket fences are evenly spaced vertical boards attached to horizontal rails. In popular culture, picket fences are famous in the United States and they symbolize the suburban middle class. Traditionally, picket fences are made of wood but are also available in PVC and metal. 

Some Philippine homeowners are in awe of this type of decorative domestic boundaries. It gives a sense of privacy and perhaps a sense of security and it looks really dainty.

The average picket fence is usually 0.9m to 1.2m tall and is pointed at the top like pointed stakes. 

In the Philippines, picket fences are used in both rural and urban housing. The material is usually bamboo in rural areas as it is easy to cut and form into this type of design. In urban housing, residents use rectangular tube metal cut at the top to form the pointy end and painted with oxide and then top layers. Some also use wood palettes at home to achieve this look. 

Do you use picket fences at home?


 Dolan, Michael (April 2019). “How Did the White Picket Fence Become a Symbol of the Suburbs?”. Smithsonian.

History of the Picket Fence”. Stella Fencing.