We are sharing this because one of our followers requested via message. We want to continue to inspire the young to become the leaders in the design field and we are granting her request.
If you are a Filipina and you want to become an architect in the Philippines, you will have to go through these series of steps just like any other architect (Female or Male). Here are the steps to becoming a Filipina Architect.
To become a Licensed Architect in the Philippines, you need to be a graduate of BS in Architecture. This means that after you pass your Senior Highs, you need to enroll in a Bachelor of Science program. The course will take five years to finish. After which you need to do a two-year apprenticeship with an architect. Then, you will need to apply and pass the Architectural Licensure Examination (ALE). The examination is conducted by the Board of Architecture under the supervision of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC).
Here are the step by step guide:
Step 1: Apply for Bachelors of Science in Architecture in schools that offer BS Architecture Program
Step 2: Graduate from Bachelors Degree in Architecture
Step 3: Apply for an apprenticeship in an architecture firm with an architect that is willing to mentor you. Start doing your logbook while doing apprenticeship
Step 4: Apply for the Licensure Exam in PRC with the following requirements
NSO / PSA Birth Certificate
NSO / PSA Marriage Contract (for married female applicants)
Transcript of Records with scanned picture and remarks “For Board Examination Purposes” (first-timers and repeaters)
College Diploma (first timers)
Professional Tax Reciept, IAPOA# of architect Mentor (first timers)
Logbook of Diversified experience
Valid NBI Clearance (first-timers and repeaters)
Masters Degree in Architecture – one (1) year practical experience (if applying with Masters degree)
Affidavit of Experience signed and sealed by a registered Architect with updated ID
Payment of 900 pesos.
Step 5: Take the board exam after reviewing tediously.
Step 6: Once you pass, apply as a member of any United Architects of the Philippines Chapter to get your IAPOA No.
Step 7: Then, attend the Oath Taking for new Architects
If you want to practice your profession, you can apply at the SEC, DTI Business Bureau and BIR to get necessary business papers. If you want to be under a firm, you can apply to the firm and be part of the staff then climb the corporate ladder. More details on the practice of architecture in the Philippines in another article.