It is time for us to feature a very important booklet that could change how we see cities. This booklet is called the Heritage Urban Landscape Toolkit. This published brochure “New life for historic cities: The historic urban landscape approach explained” introduces the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, which was adopted on 10 November 2011 by the 36th session of UNESCO’s General Conference, and how to apply the Historic Urban Landscape approach in the local context.
The toolkit allows cities to be in touch with their past and the cultures that vary with each location and context.
The Heritage Urban Landscape toolkit by UNESCO presents an approach to managing cities from the paradigm of heritage. It shows steps on how heritage conversation in the realm of urban development can be at par with the social and economic development of a city. The methods see urban heritage with social, cultural, economic development as assets of urban development. It also calls to involve people in the preservation of historic cities as it emphasizes that cooperation and collaboration between the cities’ stakeholders are prime movers to make conservation and development successful.
In the Philippine context, the HUL Approach has not yet been adopted in cities and ordinances as well as in the national laws.